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After winning various national prizes (E. Van Dijck, W. De Mol, R. Verbrugge ...) and international awards (International Oratorio Competition The Hague, Nico Dostal Competition Vienna, Queen Elisabeth Competition Brussels, ...) a succesful concert career started for the Belgian coloratura soprano.
She performed almost everywhere in Belgium, but also in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Italy and Brazil. She is a much sought after oratorio singer who has almost all major soprano parts on her repertoire: Haydn, Bach, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Rossini, Haendel, Franck, Saint-Saëns, Vivaldi, Rutter, Schubert, Beethoven, Rautavaara, Poulenc, Rheinberger, Lloyd Webber , ...
She has also created many works by contemporary composers (Harry Cox, Johan Duijck, Jeroen D’Hoe, R. Coryn, F. Celis, etc.)
The Dutch composer Harry Cox (+Paris, 2009) dedicated a song cycle to her.
She worked with conductors such as: N. Cleobury, E. Smola, F. Huybrechts, M. Soustrot, L. Vis, G. Llewellyn, J. Reynolds, A. Rahbari, J. Greeves-Smith, D. Angus, R. Werthen, F. Terby, W. Lechte, L. Heltay, D. Brossé, P. Peire, J. Duijck, F. Bollon, G. Octors, Y. Levi, E. Colomer, ...
Her numerous song recitals with mainly French, English, German, Italian and Flemish repertoire were very well received by press and public.
Several European radio and TV stations broadcasted her concerts, and several CD recordings were released ; the last three of which were « CD of the week » on VRT Radio 3 (now KLARA)
Of the "Famous Waltzes"- tour that ran throughout Flanders in 1997 and 1998, a CD has also been recorded, with the famous Frühlingsstimmenwalzer by J. Strauss under the bâton of Dirk Brossé.
Her opera repertoire includes various roles from Mozart, Gluck, Wagner, Rossini, Pergolesi, Offenbach ...; for her interpretation of Suzanna from "Le nozze di Figaro" (Mozart), La Dernière Heure titled: "Divine Suzanne".
During the summer of 1998, she sang the Queen of the Night in "Die Zauberflöte" Idée Fixe - production in Ooidonk and La Hulpe. This production also took place in front of the impressive and historical city walls of Avila (Spain).
The newspaper "Diario de Avila" called her an "Esplendida Reina de la Noche".
She also toured with a Mozart program in almost all major cities in Flanders, as well as in France and the Netherlands (including Concertgebouw Amesterdam).
She participated in the theater production “SS” by Josse De Pauw in the Concertgebouw of Bruges and the Kaaitheater, Brussels.
She sang the role of Eurydice from Gluck's Orphée (role of Orphée held by contralto Ewa Podles) in Hardelot, France.
"La Petite Messe Solennelle" by G. Rossini was on the programme during the festival of Wilz (Luxembourg) as well as in Leuven in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Fabiola.
Various other productions followed, including Beethoven's 9th symphony with VRO and VRK conducted by Yoel Levi, Die Schöpfung by Haydn under Johan Duijck, Bacchianas Brasileiras with cello octet, a tour through Brazil (Sao Paulo, Belem, Santarem, Rio de Janeiro, etc.) with the Mass in c (soprano 1) and Krönungsmesse from Mozart, together with Coro Santa Cecilia from Rome under the bâton of J. Greeves-Smith.

She also sang the Mass in c conducted by L. Heltay in Spain (including Palau de la Musica, Barcelona) and Belgium.
After her solo part in Symphonie by Jeroen D'hoe (with the VRO conducted by Y. Levi), as well as in his oratorio "Wij zijn wij" (VRO conducted by D. Vermeulen), however, she says goodbye to the big stages for the time being to dedicate herself fully to the training of young singers.
Catherine Vandevelde often participates as a jury member at exams in Academies, or Conservatories and also at several voice-competitions.
In 2013 Catherine Vandevelde was appointed professor of voice at LUCA School of Arts/ Campus Lemmens (Leuven), where she sang the soprano part in Beethoven's 9th symphony in May '18.
In November '19, she will perform at Campus Lemmens during a "Joint Adventure" concert.

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© 2018 Catherine Vandevelde

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